save all frogs my name is prince edwin but you can call me pe for short im here and with my friends to support all frogs save all frogs see you around oh and play with stripes the tiger

 frogs are becoming vary rare now:( i love frogs and there cute why get wred of them idk but i hope we dont a

frog tells us that a wetland or mash is clean and heathy and there are no frogs how can we tell.SAVE ALL FROGS!

if you love frogs and wont to save them let me no i will post you name or nickname on this page and a pic of a frog

let me no by saying SAVE ALL FROGS! on my animal chat and i will post your name and a cute pic of a frog.

 leia is supporting all frogs. way to go

 shortcake is supporting all frogs. way to go

 maker girl is supporting all frogs. way to go

 kelsey is supporting all frogs. way to go

 horsey is supporting all frogs. way to go

 moonlight is supporting all frogs. way to go

 puppy lover is supporting al frogs. way to go

 see how cute frogs are

 these are my two toads chocolate and strike

 the golden frog

 bull frog

 fire billed toad

 a cute pic of a fire billed toad

 red eyed tree frog

african bull frog

 a tomato frog

 stripes is suporting frogs sripes likes it when you give him a pat and then give him some meat

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