want to see what myth best you are then take my quiz my names saphira and play with spiky and bubbles bye bye

 take this quiz to see what myth beast you are have fun

witch food wold you like the most

# a jucy hanburber

& a leafy sald

* an ice cream cone

% any meat

 wich animal do you like the most

# a cat

& a hawk

* an owl

% a horse

pick a couler 

# midnight blue

& lime green

* sunshine yellow

% princess pink

 what would your friends describe you as

# an outgoing tiger

& a smart dolphin

* a crabby crab

% an angry crocodile

 al right lets see what animal you are

mostly # your a unicorn

 mostly & your a griffin 

 mostly * your a dragon

 mostly % your a phoenx bird